Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Aricle 2 : What is Interaction? Are There Different Types?
By Hugh Dubberly, Paul Pangaro & Usman Haque

The authors of “What is Interaction? Are There Different Types?” article discuss about interaction and whether it has different types. They described interaction is a “way of framing the relationship between people and objects designed for them- and thus a way of framing the activity of design.”
During their research on HCI, they evaluate how the static object different from integration with a dynamic system by using Canonical models which base on archetypal structure – the feedback loop.

Diagram 1

Don Norman has proposed a “gulf model” of interaction. A “gulf of execution” and a “gulf of evaluation” separate a user and a physical system. 

Diagram 2

In the feedback-loop model of interaction, a person is closely coupled with a dynamic system. The nature of the system is unspecified.

A systems- Theory View

They distinguished between static and dynamic systems those that cannot act and this have little or no meaningful effect on their environment.
Dynamic systems that can only react and interact linear and close loop systems. Closed-loop systems have novel property and they can self-regulating. Example: natural cycle of water. A self-regulating system has goal. The goal defines a relationship between the system and its environment.
Learning systems nests first self-regulating system inside a second self-regulating system. They outlined level of systems.

Diagram 3

They varied interaction can be,
  • reacting to another system
  • regulating a simple process
  • learning how actions affect the environment
  • balancing competing systems
  • managing automatic systems
  • entertaining (maintaining the engagement of a learning system)
  • conversing

 References : 
Course reading week 1 article  “What is Interaction? Are There Different Types?” By Hugh Dubberly, Paul Pangaro & Usman Haque 

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